Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday


What is the history of Giving Tuesday?

According to (the official website), this day of giving was founded in 2012 by New York’s 92nd Street Y in partnership with the United Nations Foundation as a day that encourages people to do good. In July 2019, GivingTuesday spun out into its own organization, led by GivingTuesday co-founder, Asha Curran, as its CEO.

5 Ways to Give to Hawaii Habitat

  1. Give Time: Find your local Habitat for Humanity and sign up to volunteer.
  2. Give Voice: Advocate for the cost of home in Hawaii. Contact your congress and tell them to act now on housing.
  3. Give Money: Donate to Hawaii Habitat for Humanity Association, Inc.
  4. Give Skills or Goods: Donate equipment, materials and goods to a local Habitat ReStore.


Donate to Hawaii Habitat for Humanity Association, Inc.

Date: November 30, 2021
Duration: 1 Day